"America is at a tipping point in its demographic identity, social contract, and fear of economic dislocation. Into that void and vacuum of uncertainty and fear has stepped Mr. Trump, stoking the flames of our worse demons to the chagrin of our better angels and cherished ideals for a more perfect union. As a citizen, patriot, and leader, it is my duty to use my small platform to speak the truth, arouse our collective consciousness and channel the best version of America that I know is within us all as one nation, under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. This is no time to run or be silent, it is my turn to stand tall in the breach and speak loudly at the precipice of fascism. As President Clinton said so truthfully, "There is nothing wrong with America, that can't be solved by what is right with America!" I believe that in my soul. So let us choose Kennedy over Kardashianism each and every time as a leading nation, Muhammad Ali over McCarthyism...That is why I defiantly stand up, that is why I proudly speak out!"
- Kwame Jackson, CNN
"Leadership is a moment. You can raise the consciousness of the country. You can use your platform no matter how small or large to really elevate the conversation around race and around patriotism." - Kwame Jackson, MSNBC
New York Times
"Mr. Jackson said the difference between Mr. Trump now and when he was on the show is that back then, “there was smoke” — housing discrimination, his public hatred of the Central Park Five — “but there was no raging fire.” Now, despite the raging fires of “Lock her up,” “Send her back,” the Muslim ban, the impeachment inquiry and much more, recent polls find the president in a relatively enviable position in battleground states, where he may have a greater demographic advantage in 2020 than in 2016." -
Kwame Jackson, New York Times
Fox News
"You are letting the President off the hook, the fact that he has been the arsonist in chief of racism, of xenophobia...of setting a tone from the largest platform in the world...The size of the platform is so miniscule compared to the President, who sets a national tone for how we adjust as a nation and how we react to these incidents. Be it Charlottesville, be it Pittsburgh, be it the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting?...It's an enormous job and it's called the Presidency of the United States for a reason. It's not for everyone...The CEO of a company sets the tone for a company, the coach of a basketball team sets the tone for a basketball team, why is the Presidency any different?" -
Kwame Jackson, Fox News
“There are not many monuments to those who stood in the breach of progress between the past and the future. The George Wallaces of the world are not often celebrated as champion goalies when history is written. When the match clock finally ticks down, their fair moment of migration is coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop it or stand in their way. Just remember where you were in the 90th minute when someone hungrier than you scored the winning goal for us…and often in spite of us.” -
Kwame Jackson, Newsweek
The New Yorker
“This wasn’t about policy or politics, this was about fitness for office,” Jackson recalled. “This was about basic American character and decency.” -
Kwame Jackson, The New Yorker
Harvard Business School
“HBS simply means leading and leadership is a moment, and our moment is now.
It's great to see Dean Nohria and these conversations around reimagining capitalism to make it a more equitable leadership make it a chance for HBS to lead from the front and to change society and be the leaders that make a difference in the world!" -
Kwame Jackson, Harvard Business School
"If we cannot find one presidential or vice presidential nominee who is a woman, or Hispanic, or African-American, or Asian, or member of the LGBTQ community among this hyper-diverse field of current Democratic candidates, then when will we ever be able to recognize alternative templates of leadership? If not now, then when? ...America is no longer striving to be Diverse — America is Diverse!
It is not 1960, it will be 2020!" -
Kwame Jackson, Newsone
"Jackson, a first-season contestant, blamed Trump for creating a “toxic ecosystem” by appealing to fear, racism and divisiveness and questioned his disposition to be commander in chief.“Trump does not have the temperament to deal with the sensitivities and diplomacy required on the world stage with volatile regimes in Iran, North Korea and the threat of ISIS,” he said. “You don’t get into a fist-for-fist boxing match in 2016 global politics.” -
Kwame Jackson, Politico
"Michael Bloomberg's entry into the 2020 Presidential race would be a great centrist ballast for the truly mercurial political whims of Donald Trump. Bloomberg is widely admired for his intellect, business acumen, consensus building, as well as his charity -- not to mention a true fortune that humbles Trump. He would be a compelling candidate for many people who are disgusted by Donald Trump and feel disappointed with the delivery of Democrats." -
Kwame Jackson, CNN
“A personal brand is a series of workplace habits, so ask yourself what do you want to be known for?” - Kwame Jackson, Comcast
“When people ask me what I do, I often say I’m in the Inspiration Business...I’m a hope dealer!”
“Always remember, there is nothing more American than an immigrant.”