Google Diversity & Inclusion launch
April 2016: Kwame joined his fellow Diversity & Inclusion thought leaders Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry, and Michael Skolnik to launch Google’s race summit series at Google’s global HQ in New York City. This discussion focused on race relations, systemic racism and its impact on workplace culture. The Black Googler Network, the firm’s global employee resource group, and senior leadership were the primary firmwide audience for this internal webcast. Kwame offered strategic advisory to Google on how to link the gains they had made in female recruitment, hiring, and promotion to the more difficult topic of race in tech.
Spotify HBCU
(Historically Black Colleges and Universities) Opening Act Conference
on Careers in Music, Media, and Tech
November 2017: As the son of two Howard University HBCU graduates, Kwame was delighted to join his client partner Spotify to give back by sharing Career Development Strategies & Pitfalls with The Opening Act HBCU Conference for talented sophomore, junior and senior university students who attend a HBCU. Over 100 Students from across the United States were offered a seat at the table with leaders within the music, tech and media industries. This experience helped participants understand what the career path in these fields looks like and enables them to gain valuable insight into how to achieve their career goals and manifest their dreams! Spotify’s Opening Act conference continues to provide a chance to network and build a community of HBCU students across the nation who desire to enter the media world.
Procter & Gamble - Intergenerational Effectiveness
November 2017: Kwame was invited back to P&G global headquarters, where he started his corporate career as a college intern, to deliver a half-day training workshop on Intergenerational Effectiveness Strategies. The training objectives were to define and cross pollinate "Baby Boomer, Generation X, and Millennial" workforce demographic trends, communication, and work styles preferences that will promote enhanced cross generational workforce effectiveness, communication, business solutions, diversity/inclusion, and team cohesion.
Manova Global Summit on the Future of Health
Tolerance & Equality in Healthcare
October 2018: As a noted Diversity & Inclusion industry expert for Fortune 500 client partners, Kwame articulates the critical roles of Tolerance & Equality as defining principles in Healthcare and shares his personal upbringing as the step-son of a Nigerian immigrant physician. The Manova Global Summit on the Future of Health brings together leaders from across the healthcare industry, including global thought leaders, senior executives and entrepreneurs from retail, technology, science and medicine, healthcare, food and nutrition, government and media to discuss the future of health, share insights, and build relationships.
BET Voter Participation Tour - Harvard Business School
November 2016: As a frequent MSNBC & CNN commentator and speaker at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, Kwame returned to his alma mater, Harvard Business School, to join a panel of political thought leaders for Black Entertainment Television’s Vote 2016 - Changing the Climate national voter participation tour. The campaign sought to encourage young, African-American voters to get involved in the political process and voice their vote in the 2016 presidential election.
The 10-college tour included a panel discussion featuring leading civic activists and political commentators discussing what individual citizens can do to effect political change and improve their lives and their communities. Panelists like National Women’s March co-founder, civil rights and anti-violence advocate Tamika Mallory, political consultant Telley Madina, and Adrienne Cooper, deputy director of Defend Our Future came together to drive the strategic leadership framework and offer workable solutions from their robust civic experience. BET Vote 2016 worked to increase voter registration, voter efficacy and participation in the democratic process.
Procter & Gamble - Intergenerational Effectiveness
Spotify HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities)
Opening Act Conference on Careers in Music, Media & Tech
Comcast - Millenial Young Professional Network Series
Verizon – STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
Diversity & Coding Conference
BET - Black Entertainment Television - Change the Climate Voter Participation Tour